
Super Bowl

 Super Bowl Commercial Peyton and Eli Manning Wear Matching PJ’s for Frito-Lay: This my favorite  super bowl commercial because it advertises my favorite snack which are Lays,Tostitos, and Doritos. And I also find this commercial very funny they are all wearing pjs and how the old man thought he could of cached the football and ends up falling.

Blog #4

 School related stress (Photo by Alison Tong) I chose this picture because I've recently been put under an excessive amount of stress, due to school.Ever since we went remote I've found it more difficult to be able to learn and apply my learning skills towards assignments.In my perspective, we've reached a point as to where a lot of students focus more on the passing aspect then actual learning which puts us into a state of stress. And as Alison Tong says "instead of developing our passions we have to be great at everything". `     

Blog #1 is killing ok?

  In class today we talked about whether it is ok to kill a person in many different situations. It’s a really interesting topic I learned some new things like I got to see other people's point of view and how they think/see things  and some people changed mine and how I see things.Something that I learned about my self is that I will do anything for my family and will not really thing about the consequences.Im very interested in what we about to read because like I said this topic is like really interesting/mysterious.                           BLOG #2 DO You like Winter? I like winter a lot it’s one of my favorite seasons because the best holiday in my opinion which is Christmas is during winter, and also because of birthday which is on January third.Some things that I like doing during winter is going ice skating going sledding having sleepovers with my friends and watching Christmas movies and making hot chocolate, but due to Covid things are gonna change.